Breaking Free: on toxic relationships and self-discovery

Join us for the intimate and intensive meeting “Breaking Free,” where we will explore the topic of toxic relationships—not only in romantic partnerships but also in friendships and family dynamics. We are born into families, but over time, we also choose our new families within our friendships and partnerships. Sometimes, however, these relationships become toxic, or we find ourselves behaving in toxic ways.
Toxic relationships can take many forms, and we often enter them unconsciously. This meeting aims to provide a safe space for us to share our stories and experiences.
We will discuss various situations and consider how to recognize and leave those that are harmful to us without feeling guilty. Often, we stay in toxic relationships and fail to set boundaries because we fear that we are the problem.
What can you expect?
- Sharing personal experiences in a safe and supportive environment
- Discussing tools and techniques from therapy to help identify and address toxic situations
- Engaging in interactive activities such as reflective writing and group discussions to delve deeper into our experiences
- Receiving advice on how to build healthier relationships and protect your emotional and mental well-being
- Learning how to build healthy relationships
This meeting is for anyone who wants to learn more about self-care in interpersonal relationships and make choices that best support their personal well-being.
Learn how to navigate toxic people, situations, and, most importantly, yourself, to live a healthier, more fulfilling life.
Klára Kišová – who has had two years of therapy, many toxic relationships and cured mania from her own toxic behaviour
IG: @klariiina_kis
Entrance fee – free
Accessibility – suitable also for teenagers, accessible with a dog, barrier-free
Vibe check – small event (approx. 30 people), quiet (no loud music, shouting, etc.), requires interacting with the audience or other attendees, seating options, indoors
Trigger warnings – sharing your own experiences can be challenging. A situation that we hear from others or share ourselves can have an impact on our psyche at a given moment or later.