Support us!

Do you love the Prague Pride festival? Please support us! There are many ways to do it, and it’s not all about money.
Prague Pride is a non-profit project. This means that the money it earns goes back into the festival to pay for services, rentals, artist fees, and more.
Let the World Know You’re Going to Pride
We’d love it if you could spread the word about the festival. By doing so, you’ll help us attract an even larger audience and build the image of Pride as a well-established and respected cultural event. Planning to attend Pride? Let the world know! (Unless you’re hiding your attendance of Pride from your family.) Have you chosen which events to attend? Recommend them on social media to others. Got a phone full of Pride photos? Share them so everyone who didn’t come will regret it.
Treat Yourself to Festival Merch
PWhen you buy festival merchandise at the Queershop stand in Pride Village and Pride Park, you’re not just making yourself happy. You’re making us happy too, because you’re supporting the festival. Selling merch is one of the important ways we raise funds to cover production costs.
Direct financial support
We appreciate every amount that anyone contributes. Private contributions and corporate partnerships allow us to make the festival accessible almost entirely for free. This means that even groups with limited financial means – for example, teenagers with no income of their own – can attend.
In addition to donations made by individuals, dozens of our corporate partners, private foundations, endowments and Czech and European grants and subsidies help with the realization of the festival each year.
We are financially supported by the City of Prague as well, whose representatives also provide the festival with their official patronage. Cultural program is usually co-financed by the Ministry of Culture, while the Ministry of Health supports the program for HIV prevention and destigmatization of HIV+ individuals. The European Commission is also an important partner for us through its many financial instruments. Furthermore, we greatly appreciate the support of many foreign embassies in the Czech Republic.
Give Some of Your Time to the Festival
Volunteers handle many tasks at Prague Pride that keep everything running smoothly. Their often unseen but essential work deserves a big thank you. If a financial or other donation isn’t possible for you, volunteering can be a fantastic way to support the festival.