Dance Day: pantomime performance by QueerFam

Tereza Hromádková, a talented art student and professional theatre actress, has put together an amazing pantomime performance about queer families. She blends her art with her experience in the deaf community and her passion for visual storytelling. During the show, the audience dives into the theme, watching movements and gestures that narrate stories of love, acceptance, and the struggle for identity in a heteronormative world. Tereza takes everyone to a wordless realm where movement and expressiveness speak volumes. Her performance offers a deep dive into the diverse journeys of life and the many facets of love. The show runs for about 10 minutes.

Tereza Hromádková – a Czech deaf mime and dance performer, currently studying at the Faculty of Music and Dance at the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague. She’s been a long-time member of the deaf mime society Pantomima SI and also volunteers with the human rights queer organization Rainbow for the Deaf.
IG: @terkahroma

Entrance fee – free

Event accessibility – suitable also for children and teenagers, accessible with a dog, barrier-free

Vibe check – large capacity event (more than 200 people, high possibility of physical contact), outdoors

Pride Village – Stage