A blanket of queer memory: let’s design a queer memorial in Prague

The Queer Memory Society invites you to sit on the Queer Memory Quilt, which will be spread out on the Pride Village lawn from Tuesday through Friday afternoon. This will be a safe space not only for resting but also for discussing the queer past and collectively imagining what a hypothetical memorial to the queer past might look like. You can create your own design in the form of a description, drawing, painting, or model – we will provide the materials. The collected ideas will serve as the basis for a research project by artist Martin Kámen, who is working on the realistic design and advocating for a memorial to the queer past in Prague.

Entrance fee – free

Accessibility – suitable also for children and teenagers, accessible with a dog, barrier-free

Vibe check – small event (approx. 30 people), quiet (no loud music, shouting, etc.), requires interacting with the audience or other attendees, outdoors

Pride Village – Additional Programme