Pride Cinema Screening: The Chambermaid

Young Anka leaves Slovakia to work as a chambermaid in a mansion in Prague. This great sparkling city of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy hides an otherworldly life that will never be for Anka. Instead, she is to work as a servant in the home of a high-ranking government official and his family. Attractive, colorful salons contrast sharply with the dark tiny cells in which the invisible staff has to survive day after day. Anka observes a noble world in which her role is to wash dirty laundry and dispose of urine in the morning. But even though it seems perfect, that other world has its problems too. The year of their birth is the only thing connecting Anka with Resi, the main representative of that world and the daughter of the master of the house. Resi, who was still a child not that long ago, is already stuck in the merry-go-round of social norms. An arranged marriage with a “good match” was supposed to release her from her golden cage, but the reality of married life is not what Resi had imagined.

In original with English subtitles.

Entrance fee – 165/145 CZK

Event accessibility – barrier-free

Vibe check – seating options, indoors

OrganizerEdison Filmhub
Edison Filmhub is a single-screen cinema with a café in the center of Prague. We enjoy European art films, but we wouldn’t turn our noses up at a Hollywood blockbuster either. If you love all the flavors of cinema like we do, you’ve found a new home.