Palestine and Israeli pinkwashing

The term “pinkwashing” refers to the practice of promoting LGBTQ+ rights to distract from or downplay other serious issues, such as human rights abuses. In the context of Israeli colonialism in historic Palestine, Israel has been accused of using pinkwashing to present itself as a progressive and tolerant society by highlighting its LGBTQ+ rights record. This tactic aims to divert attention from the occupation of Palestinian territories and the alleged human rights violations against Palestinians. Critics argue that this strategy attempts to mask the realities of genocide and ethnic cleansing with a facade of inclusivity and tolerance. The use of LGBTQ+ rights as a PR tool in this manner not only undermines the struggles of Palestinians but also exploits the LGBTQ+ community for political gain.
Hanka – a queer Prague-based activist with a background in various non-profits and grassroot collectives, focusing on causes like Palestine, informal education and refugee rights.
Youssef – a student, activist and artist from Egypt, based in Prague with a passion for LGBTQ+ politics, uplifting marginalized groups, and pro-Palestinian activism. They are cofounder of darna a safe space for BIPOC/SWANA community in Prague.
Anna Vrbasová – philosophy, Japanese & linguistics degree, marketing professional, dancer & human rights activist (co-founder of Czech Artists for Ceasefire / Human to Human; member of Ne našim jménem / Sdružení přátelé Palestiny) with a passion for neuroscience & humanity.
Entrance fee – free
Accessibility – accessible with a dog, barrier-free
Vibe check – small event (approx. 30 people), quiet (no loud music, shouting, etc.), seating options, indoors