Lê Thị Hoài: Burn to be / Shořet, abych byla

The exhibition „Burn to be / Shořet, abych byla“ includes installations, video and text exploring the theme of re-migration, the attempt to settle in the “right” home and then leaving the country from the position of second-generation Vietnamese woman. The author observes through olfactory memories and observations of falling ash that sometimes it is okay to leave.
Lê Thị Hoài is a Czech-Vietnamese graphic designer and visual artist. She studied journalism at Charles University, visual communication at UMPRUM in Prague, and is currently completing her art studies at the Sandberg Instituut in Amsterdam. She works for the magazine Prostor. Her personal work focuses on identity politics, feminism, and “portable roots.”
Tamara Moyzes
The exhibition is open August 10 – September 30. The opening reception will take place on 09 August at 19:00.
Entrance fee – voluntarily
Accessibility – suitable also for children and teenagers, accessible with a dog, barrier-free
Vibe check – small event (approx. 30 people), indoors