Kay Shanghai

Kay Shanghai is the first openly queer german speaking rapper, but Kay himself doesn’t care a bit about it. But you can, must and should say that again so clearly at this point. After all, we’re not only talking about Kay Shanghai here, but also about German rap – which is still having a hard time with everything that doesn’t correspond to the traditional hip-hop heteronormativity, even in 2024.

Born in China from the son of a German civil engineer and the daughter of a diplomat he has lived in Venezuela, Indonesia and Iraq. The school dropout moved to the USA and got to know a complete new club culture. These and a lot of other impressive life experiences led Kay to where he is now.

FUN FACT: If he were a vegetable based on his personality traits, he would be an artichoke: “Because not everyone likes it and it’s also really juicy. People often don’t like artichokes on their pizza and then I always have to prove them wrong and I think people are happy to be proven wrong with me.”

The HOTEL SHANGHAI owner is not only a great party promoter, curator and booker but also an innovative and powerful presence on stage that you can enjoy at Prague Pride this year!

Pride Park – Red Stage