Crafts and SWAP, feat. Pangea Public

Do you have clothes in your wardrobe that you can’t wear anymore but aren’t ready to throw away? Bring them to our swap event and get something new to wear in return! This year, you can also repair or improve the pieces you find in the sewing room with Pangea, using your sewing machine or any other method you like. Help the planet and your wallet by upcycling your newly discovered pieces in a creative way! There are no limits to your imagination.
This time, we won’t meet at the Střelecký Island as in previous years, but at Pride Youth at the Scout Institute in Rybarna.
Entrance fee – free
Accessibility – suitable also for teenagers, only for people under 30 years of age
Vibe check – small event (approx. 30 people), quiet (no loud music, shouting, etc.), seating options, outdoors