Art. do. Drag.

Drag belongs to the contemporary art scene and the political arena. Come to the exhibition that showcases drag in a completely different light than what you commonly encounter. The exhibition is organized by Artivist_Lab, a gallery dedicated to political art, artivism, media, and current social issues. It supports artists who face challenges exhibiting their work in their home countries (Artists in Need). The main idea of the gallery is to connect interdisciplinary active individuals. We are a laboratory where exhibitions, discussions, workshops, and lectures take place, bringing together sociologists, journalists, visual artists, and activists.

Artists – Josef Rabara, Matěj Pšennička, Kass Vladyka

The exhibition vernissage will take place on August 8th, 2023, from 7PM do 12 AM

Entrance fee – free

Event accessibility – for 18+ only, accessible with a dog, barrier-free

Vibe check – indoors

Hosts – Kass Vladyka a Tamara Moyzes

Vernissage guests – Josef Rabara, Matěj Pšennička, Kass Vladyka, and Káča Olivová

Oraganizer Artivist Lab