Prague Pride 2024: A family is a community of people united by unconditional love and acceptance

Prague Pride 2024 comes with a theme that resonates with all of us – family. Whether we have one or not, whether we are part of a loving family, a family full of strife, or have broken ties, we all have a relationship with family. It represents hope and caring, but also challenges and pain. It’s within the family that we develop our ideas and beliefs about how things should be. We either continue these traditions or deliberately change them as we find our independence.

Prague Pride 2024 aims to show that family is not defined by blood relation. What makes a family is love, mutual respect, and unconditional acceptance. Therefore, a family does not always have to be people connected by genes. A person’s true family can be the friends who support them, give them a sense of belonging, and whom they choose.

Queer families have always existed and are just as important to their members as traditional families are to theirs. On Saturday, the festival culminates with the Pride Parade, subtitled “March for Every Family.” Come with members of your loving family and introduce them to the world, whoever they are.

If you don’t find understanding in your biological family or feel lonely, Prague Pride is the place to make new friends and create a chosen family of people who will accept you for who you are. But wait, can we be one big queer family even if we have different opinions? We’ll be addressing that at Prague Pride, too.