Queer Yoga

The event takes place on Slovanský ostrov (Žofín) on the lawn at the main entrance to the island.

žena sedící v tureckém sedu, na pozadí krajina

Come and try queer yoga in the open air. A safe space, community and consent-based atmosphere, breath work, meditation and music await you.

  • You need to register for the event. The capacity is limited.
  • If you can, please bring your own yoga mat

WARNING, the capacity of the lecture is full. You can still register, but you’ll be listed as a “back-up” and contacted if some places free up.

Do you like yoga or feel like it’s time to give it a try? Come to queer yoga in the open air. Through a community-based, consent-based and trauma-informed approach, beautiful scents and queer music, we will together create a safe space free of prejudice, hetero and cis normativism. There are still too many people who face difficult situations because of their orientation or gender identity. The ongoing stress and traumatic experiences can complicate the connection with our body and identity and making free decision about it. Therefore an important element of queer yoga is breath work, relaxation and meditation, which help us get rid of stress and anxiety, feel better in our body and fell free be who we are. The marginalized are often expected to assimilate into structures that either ignore or exclude their identities. Therefore, as a queer activist, I understand the care of our bodies, souls and minds and the creation, claiming and cultivation of queer safe spaces also as a symbolic act of protest against years of oppression of LGBTI+ people. Finding strength in our queerness is our mission. Love and embrace your queer body and soul. #QueerYogaUnites

Organizer: Žaneta Sladká

Queer yoga teacher