Lecture on queer theory, homocolonialism, and the issues of modern LGBT+ politics

What is queer theory? How is it different from LGBT+ politics? And who are Cynthia Weber, Jasbir Puar, and Gloria Anzaldua? In this open lecture, we would like to explore the intersection of queer theory, intersectional feminism, and postcolonialism. We are interested in exploring concepts like heteronormativity, homonormativity, essentialism, and pinkwashing. We want to look at the historical gay rights movements, the issues of modern LGBT+ politics, and to what extend “Western” LGBT+ spaces, groups, and identities are mostly benefitting white, cis, and middle-class gay people.
The lecture will take 1 hour and include a short introduction to critical theory, gay rights history, and contemporary cases where LGBT+ rights are both advancing and impeding queer people around the world.
The lecture is open to all, will be in English, and no prior knowledge on the topic is required. After the lecture, there will be an open round for questions and discussion.
Mathilde Sandahl – founder and director of Pangea, passionate activist, organizer, writer and feminist theorist
Entrance fee – free
Event accessibility – suitable also for teenagers, barrier-free
Vibe check – quiet event (no loud music, shouting, etc.), seating options, indoors
Trigger warnings – mentions of racism, sexism, homophobia, war and violence